RAWNY is excited to be a part of Modernizing Medicine’s AI Scribe Beta Program!

RAWNY is partnering with our electronic health record (EHR) company, Modernizing Medicine, to develop an artificial intelligence powered tool, with the goal of making it easier and more efficient for doctors to prepare their chart notes. Initially, only Dr. Brian Connolly and Dr. Matthew Witmer will be participating. Therefore only patients of Dr. Connolly’s and Dr. Witmer’s will be asked about participation in the program. Participation is completely optional. We are asking for patients’ consent to participate in the development of this tool by allowing us to record the audio of your health care visit with your provider. If you participate, the audio of the visit will be recorded through our EHR company’s software during your eye exam with the physician.

Goals of this tool would be:

  • Allowing providers to focus more on clinical care and less on clerical tasks
  • Suggesting clinical note outputs based on provider-patient conversations
  • Improving the patient experience with more face-to-face interaction with the provider

To help you better understand this program, here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

What do I need to do if I want to participate?

To provide consent, you will need to sign a consent form during check-in at your appointment. You will be asked to sign an electronic copy of this document provided by a receptionist. The first signature is a consent allowing our EHR company (Modernizing Medicine, Inc., known as ModMed) to use the audio recording and its content for technology development. The second signature is an authorization specifically related to the use of your health information. Your doctor will also ask you verbally for consent before turning on the audio recorder during any given visit.

What will be recorded?

We will be recording the audio or verbal conversation with your doctors and other health care personnel at this office. We will not be recording any video.

If I agree to participate, will all of my future doctor visits be recorded automatically?

No. You have the option at each visit with our office to tell the provider if you are comfortable with that visit being recorded. Your provider will ask you for your permission before turning on the recorder at any visit. In addition, some providers at our office may decide not to record certain visits.

What will my recordings be used for?

The recordings will be used for developing the artificial intelligence powered tool designed to help physicians more effectively document their visits with patients.

Who will listen to my recordings?

In general, no one will listen to your recordings. The recording content will be used to inform and develop the artificial intelligence technology and computer algorithms designed to help improve clinical documentation. There may be times when a ModMed employee or contractor needs to listen to your recording for troubleshooting or other development purposes.

Will my recordings be kept forever?

No, the recordings will be deleted six months after the visit. ModMed may keep a written transcript of the recording for longer. If so, ModMed will use technology designed to remove content from the transcript that may identify you or your provider.

Can I change my mind after signing the consent?

Yes, you can revoke your consent by emailing mmaiscribe@modmed.com or you can tell your provider not to record a particular visit.

Does participating affect the quality of care I receive?

No, you will receive the same quality of care regardless of whether you participate, and your participation is entirely voluntary.

Are there any benefits to me participating?

There are no tangible benefits to you participating. However, you may enjoy intangible benefits knowing that you helped contribute to improving health care technology and making it easier for doctors to document their visits with patients, which could ultimately help improve patient care.

What if a friend or family member is with me at an appointment?

Any visitors with you at an appointment that is being recorded will also be asked to sign a consent form. Please notify the front desk if your friend or family member has not signed this form.


If you are a patient and choose to participate you’ll be asked to sign two consent forms upon check in at your appointment. If you will be accompanied by a family member, friend or caregiver, that person(s) will also need to sign a consent. Below are the sample consents for your review.

Please note: You do not need to bring the consents below to your appointment; these are simply available for you to review the consent language and become familiar with the program.

Consent or Patients: ModMed AI Scribe Pilot Program – Patient Information Packet and Consent

Consent For Patient Companions: ModMed AI Scribe Pilot Program – Staff, Guardian, Visitor Consent